


npm install @solid-primitives/bounds
yarn add @solid-primitives/bounds
pnpm add @solid-primitives/bounds


Primitives for tracking HTML element size and position on screen as it changes.

  • createElementBounds - Creates a reactive store-like object of current element bounds — position on the screen, and size dimensions.


Creates a reactive store-like object of current element bounds — position on the screen, and size dimensions. Bounds will be automatically updated on scroll, resize events and updates to the DOM.

import { createElementBounds } from "@solid-primitives/bounds";

const target = document.querySelector("#my_elem")!;
const bounds = createElementBounds(target);

createEffect(() => {
    bounds.width, // => number
    bounds.height, // => number, // => number
    bounds.left, // => number
    bounds.right, // => number
    bounds.bottom, // => number

#Reactive target

The element target can be a reactive signal. Set to falsy value to disable tracking.

const [target, setTarget] = createSignal<HTMLElement>();

const bounds = createElementBounds(target);

// if target is undefined, scroll values will be null
createEffect(() => {
  bounds.width; // => number | null
  bounds.height; // => number | null

// bounds object will always be in sync with current target
<div ref={setTarget} />;

#Disabling types of tracking

These types of tracking are available: (all are enabled by default)

  • trackScroll — listen to window scroll events
  • trackMutation — listen to changes to the dom structure/styles
  • trackResize — listen to element's resize events
// won't track mutations nor scroll events
const bounds = createElementBounds(target, {
  trackScroll: false,
  trackMutation: false,

#Throttling updates

Options above allow passing a guarding function for controlling frequency of updates.

The scroll event/mutations/resizing can be triggered dozens of times per second, causing calculating bounds and updating the store every time. Hence it is a good idea to throttle/debounce updates.

import { UpdateGuard, createElementBounds } from "@solid-primitives/bounds";
import { throttle } from "@solid-primitives/scheduled";

const throttleUpdate: UpdateGuard = fn => throttle(fn, 500);

const bounds = createElementBounds(target, {
  trackMutation: throttleUpdate,
  trackScroll: throttleUpdate,


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