


npm install @solid-primitives/date
yarn add @solid-primitives/date
pnpm add @solid-primitives/date


Collection of reactive primitives and utility functions, providing easier ways to deal with dates in SolidJS.

#Reactive Primitives:


Creates a reactive Date signal.

const [date, setDate] = createDate(1641408329089);

date(); // T: Date

setDate("2020 1 11");

// passed initial value can be reactive
const [timestamp, setTimestamp] = createSignal(1641408329089);
const [date, setDate] = createDate(timestamp);

setTimestamp(1341708325070); // will update the date


Creates an autoupdating and reactive new Date().

import { createDateNow } from "@solid-primitives/date";

// updates every second:
const [now] = createDateNow(1000);

// reactive timeout value
const [timeout, setTimeout] = createSignal(500);
const [now] = createDateNow(timeout);

// won't autoupdate:
const [now, update] = createDateNow(() => false);

// update manually:


Provides a reactive time difference (in ms) signal.

// the arguments can be reactive
const [target, setTarget] = createSignal(1641408329089);
const [diff, { from, to }] = createTimeDifference("2020 1 11", target);
diff(); // T: number
from(); // T: Date
to(); // T: Date


Provides a autoupdating, reactive time difference (in ms) from now as a signal.

const [target, setTarget] = createSignal(1641408329089);
const [diff, { target, now, update }] = createTimeDifferenceFromNow(target);
diff(); // T: number
target(); // T: Date
now(); // T: Date
// manual update (automatic one can be disabled by passing false)

// you can pass a custom interval (number or function or false)
createTimeDifferenceFromNow(target, diff => (diff > 100000 ? 30000 : 1000));


Provides a reactive, formatted date difference in relation to now.

import { createTimeAgo, createDate } from "@solid-primitives/date";

const [myDate, setMyDate] = createDate("Jun 28, 2021");
const [timeago, { target, now, update, difference }] = createTimeAgo(myDate);
// => 5 months ago

timeago(); // => 5 months ago
difference(); // T: number
target(); // T: Date
now(); // T: Date
// manual update (automatic one can be disabled by passing false)

// use custom libraries to change formatting:
import { formatRelative } from "date-fns";
const [timeago] = createTimeAgo(1577836800000, {
  min: 10000,
  interval: 30000,
  relativeFormatter: (target, now) => formatRelative(target, now),
// => last Monday at 9:25 AM


Provides a reactive broken down time remaining Store.

const [to, setTo] = createSignal(1641408329089);
const countdown = createCountdown("2020 1 11", to);

countdown.minutes; // e.g. 5
countdown.hours; // e.g. 1
countdown.seconds; // e.g. 48


Provides a reactive, autoupdating (from now), broken down "time remaining" as a Store.

// target date may be reactive
const [to, setTo] = createSignal(1641408329089);
const [countdown, { now, target, update }] = createCountdownFromNow(to);

countdown.minutes; // e.g. 5
countdown.hours; // e.g. 1
countdown.seconds; // e.g. 48

target(); // T: Date
now(); // T: Date
// manual update (automatic one can be disabled by passing false)

// you can pass a custom interval (number or function or false)
createCountdownFromNow(to, diff => (diff > 100000 ? 30000 : 1000));

#Utility Functions


 * @param init timestamp `number` | date `string` | `Date` instance
 * @returns `Date` instance
const getDate = (init: DateInit): Date


 * @param init timestamp `number` | date `string` | `Date` instance
 * @returns timestamp `number`
const getTime = (init: DateInit): number


Get the time difference between two dates [ms]

const getDateDifference = (from: Date, to: Date): number


Provides broken down time remaining from a time difference.

 * @param difference time difference between two dates *[ms]*
 * @returns countdown object with keys: `days`, `hours`, `minutes`, etc.
const getCountdown = (difference: number): Countdown


Apply basic formatting to a Date instance.

const formatDate = (date: Date): string

// example
const date = new Date("2020 1 11")
formatDate(date) // => '2020-01-10'


Applies relative time formatting based on a time difference from now.

 * @param difference time difference between a date and now *[ms]*
 * @param messages custom messages for changing formatting
 * @returns formatted string, e.g. *"2 seconds ago"*, *"in 3 weeks"*...
function formatDateRelative(difference: number, messages?: Partial<RelativeFormatMessages>): string;


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