


npm install @solid-primitives/fetch
yarn add @solid-primitives/fetch
pnpm add @solid-primitives/fetch


Creates a composable primitive to support requests.

#Additional requirements

Since nodejs 17.5.0, the fetch API is available in node via the --experimental-fetch command line option. From version 18.0.0 upwards, it is supposed to become available out of the box. If you want to use createFetch on your server, but your nodejs version does not support the fetch API, you need to install node-fetch alongside this primitive:

npm install node-fetch
# or
yarn add node-fetch

If you fail to install it, but still run it on the server, you should see a nice error message that asks you to install it in the logs and your requests are all rejected.

#How to use it

const [resource, { mutate, refetch }] = createFetch<T>(
  requestInfo: Accessor<RequestInfo | undefined> | RequestInfo,
  requestInit?: Accessor<RequestInit | undefined> | RequestInit | undefined,
  options?: { disable?: boolean } & ResourceOptions<T>,
  modifiers?: RequestModifier[]

resource(): T
resource.error: Error | any | undefined
resource.loading: boolean
resource.status: number | null
resource.response: Response

Remember, just like with createResource, you will need an <ErrorBoundary> to catch the errors, even if they are accessible inside the resource. Otherwise, uncaught errors might disrupt your application - except if you use the withCatchAll() modifier.

If you want to initialize a fetch request without directly starting it, you can use an Accessor that returns undefined before being set to the actual request info or url. Even if you add a RequestInit, the request will not be started without a defined RequestInfo.


The fetch primitive alone just wraps a simple fetch request in a solid resource for convenience, but its ability to compose modifiers are what makes this primitive really powerful. The following modifiers are supported:

// makes the request abortable; will automatically abort previous requests or those whose owner got disposed

// will abort the request if abortable and throw an error after a certain timeout
withTimeout(after: number)

// catches all request errors so you no longer require an ErrorBoundary

// retries failed requests after a certain time, will by default wait the number of the retry seconds,
// starting with 1, up to 30s
withRetry(retries: number, wait: number | (retry: number) => number)

// refetches the request after certain events
withRefetchEvent({ on: keyof HTMLWindowEventMap[], filter: (...args, data, event) => boolean })

// aggregates response data; depending on existing data, it will handle the response
// you can either use initial data or an optional dataFilter to trigger certain handling
// strings and arrays will be joined, objects merged shallowly, everything else will be put into an array
withAggregation(dataFilter?: (responseData: Result) => Result)

// caches requests
withCache({ cache?: Record<string, CacheEntry>, expires?: number | ((entry: CacheEntry) => boolean); })

// refetch on cache expiry
// (expiry control function requires polling; you can set the delay; 0 = raf; default is 100ms)
withRefetchOnExpiry(pollDelayMs: number)

// makes cache persistent in storage, defaults = [localStorage, 'fetch-cache']
withCacheStorage(storage?: Storage, key?: string)

The main advantage of using modifiers like this is that you only import what you need and the rest will be eliminated in tree shaking.

There's also a helper for the cache to serialize the cache key from the request.

serializeRequest([info: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit]): string

in case you want to debug or manipulate the cache.


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