


npm install @solid-primitives/marker
yarn add @solid-primitives/marker
pnpm add @solid-primitives/marker


A reactive primitive for marking parts of a string that match a regular expression. Useful for highlighting search results.

#How to use it

createMarker creates a function for marking parts of a string that match a regex. Each match will be mapped by mapMatch callback and returned as an array of strings and mapped values.

import { createMarker } from "@solid-primitives/marker";

const highlight = createMarker(matchedText => {
  // matchedText param is the sting matched by regex
  // it's an accessor, because each mapped value is reused between marker calls
  return <mark>{matchedText()}</mark>;

  {highlight("Hello world!", /\w+/g)} {/* <mark>Hello</mark> <mark>world</mark>! */}

#Mapping matches

The mapMatch callback is not reactive. The value returned by it is cached and reused between marker calls. This is useful for performance reasons, but it also means that the callback should handle the matched text as an accessor.

It behaves similarly to the mapFn param of indexArray, where the returned element is reused for different values.

Any computations created in that callback will be disposed when createMarker gets disposed, not on each marker call, because the results are cached between calls.

const mark = createMarker(text => {
  // you can safely create computations here
  createEffect(() => {

  return <mark>{text()}</mark>;


The marker callback is cached between calls.

This way returned elements are reused as much as possible.

But every cache needs a limit. By default, the cache size is 100. You can change it by passing the cacheSize option to createMarker.

const mark = createMarker(text => <mark>{text()}</mark>, { cacheSize: 1000 });

The marker will still be able to handle more than 1000 different regexes, but it will start to dispose the unused ones that exceed the limit.

#Search highlighting

createMarker is very useful for highlighting the searched text in a search results list.

But when used alone, it can be easy to forget to escape the regex special characters. This can lead to unexpected results.

To avoid this, you can use the makeSearchRegex helper function to create a regex that will match the searched text.

import { createMarker, makeSearchRegex } from "@solid-primitives/marker";

const [search, setSearch] = createSignal("");

const regex = createMemo(() => makeSearchRegex(search()));

const highlight = createMarker(text => <mark>{text()}</mark>);

  <input onInput={e => setSearch(} />
  <p>{highlight(textToHighlight, regex())}</p>

Regex returned by makeSearchRegex will:

  • match the searched text case-insensitively
  • escape all regex special characters (only words can be matched)
  • trim the searched text
  • match multiple words independently


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