


npm install @solid-primitives/media
yarn add @solid-primitives/media
pnpm add @solid-primitives/media


Collection of reactive primitives to deal with media queries.


Attaches a MediaQuery listener to window, listeneing to changes to provided query

import { makeMediaQueryListener } from "@solid-primitives/media";

const clear = makeMediaQueryListener("(max-width: 767px)", e => {
// remove listeners (will happen also on cleanup)


Creates a very simple and straightforward media query monitor.

import { createMediaQuery } from "@solid-primitives/media";

const isSmall = createMediaQuery("(max-width: 767px)");

#Server fallback

createMediaQuery accepts a serverFallback argument — value that should be returned on the server — defaults to false.

const isSmall = createMediaQuery("(max-width: 767px)", true);

// will return true on the server and during hydration on the client

Working Demo


Creates a multi-breakpoint monitor to make responsive components easily.

import { createBreakpoints } from "@solid-primitives/media";

const breakpoints = {
  sm: "640px",
  lg: "1024px",
  xl: "1280px",

const Example: Component = () => {
  const matches = createBreakpoints(breakpoints);

  createEffect(() => {
    console.log(; // true when screen width >= 640px
    console.log(matches.lg); // true when screen width >= 1024px
    console.log(matches.xl); // true when screen width >= 1280px

  return (
        "text-tiny flex flex-column": true, // tiny text with flex column layout
        "text-small":, // small text with flex column layout
        "text-base flex-row": matches.lg, // base text with flex row layout
        "text-huge": matches.xl, // huge text with flex row layout
      <Switch fallback={<div>Smallest</div>}>
        <Match when={matches.xl}>Extra Large</Match>
        <Match when={matches.lg}>Large</Match>
        <Match when={}>Small</Match>
          Instead of fallback, you can also use `!`
          <Match when={!}>Smallest</Match>

#.toString method

As a convenience feature, the return value of createBreakpoints also contains a non-enumerable .key property that will return the last matching breakpoint id to allow using it as an object key:

import { createBreakpoints } from "@solid-primitives/media";

const breakpoints = {
  sm: "640px",
  lg: "1024px",
  xl: "1280px",

const matches = createBreakpoints(breakpoints);

const moduleSize = () =>
    sm: 2,
    lg: 4,
    xl: 6,

This can be very helpful for things like the mapHeight option in createMasonry.

Warning for this feature to work, the breakpoints needs to be ordered from small to large. If you cannot ensure this, use the sortBreakpoints helper.

#sortBreakpoints helper

If you cannot rely on the order of the breakpoints from smallest to largest, this small helper fixes it for you:

// unfortunately in the wrong order:
const breakpoints = {
  xl: "1280px",
  lg: "1024px",
  sm: "640px",

const matches = createBreakpoints(sortBreakpoints(breakpoints));

const moduleSize = () =>
    sm: 2,
    lg: 4,
    xl: 6,


Working Demo


Provides a signal indicating if the user has requested dark color theme. The setting is being watched with a Media Query.

#How to use it

import { createPrefersDark } from "@solid-primitives/media";

const prefersDark = createPrefersDark();
createEffect(() => {
  prefersDark(); // => boolean

#Server fallback

createPrefersDark accepts a serverFallback argument — value that should be returned on the server — defaults to false.

const prefersDark = createPrefersDark(true);
// will return true on the server and during hydration on the client


This primitive provides a singleton root variant that will reuse the same signal and media query across the whole application.

import { usePrefersDark } from "@solid-primitives/media";

const prefersDark = usePrefersDark();
createEffect(() => {
  prefersDark(); // => boolean

Note: usePrefersDark will deopt to createPrefersDark if used during hydration. (see issue #310)


#iOS 13 Support & Deprecated addListener

Due to older versions of mobile Safari on iOS 13 not supporting addEventListener on the MediaQueryList API, this primitive will need to be polyfilled. If your application needs to support much older versions of the browser you should use a polyfill utility or patch the missing function like so:

if ((!"addEventListener") in MediaQueryList) {
  MediaQueryList.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, callback) {
    if (type === "change") this.addListener(callback);
  MediaQueryList.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, callback) {
    if (type === "change") this.removeListener(callback);




Thanks to Aditya Agarwal for contributing createBreakpoints.