


npm install @solid-primitives/promise
yarn add @solid-primitives/promise
pnpm add @solid-primitives/promise


A library of reactive primitives and helpers for handling promises.

  • promiseTimeout — Creates a promise that resolves (or rejects) after given time.
  • raceTimeout — Combination of Promise.race() and promiseTimeout.
  • until — Promised one-time watch for changes. Await a reactive condition.


Creates a promise that resolves (or rejects) after given time.

#How to use it

import { promiseTimeout } from "@solid-primitives/promise";

await promiseTimeout(1000); // resolves after 1 second

try {
  await promiseTimeout(1000, true, "timeout"); // rejects with 'timeout' after 1 second
} catch (e) {
  console.log(e); // 'timeout'


Combination of Promise.race() and promiseTimeout.

#How to use it

import { raceTimeout } from "@solid-primitives/promise";

await raceTimeout(myPromise, 1000); // resolves after 1 second, or when "myPromise" resolves

try {
  await raceTimeout(myPromise, 1000, true, "timeout"); // rejects with 'timeout' after 1 second, or resolves when "myPromise" resolves
} catch (e) {
  console.log(e); // 'timeout'


Promised one-time watch for changes. Await a reactive condition.

#How to use it

It takes a signal or a reactive condition — which will resolve the promise if truthy — as an argument.

Returns a promise that resolves a truthy value of a condition. Or rejects when it's root get's disposed.

#With a custom reactive condition:

no need for createMemo, it's memoized internally

import { until } from "@solid-primitives/promise";

const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0);

await until(() => count() > 5);

#With createResource

It also can be used as a source for createResource.

import { until } from "@solid-primitives/promise";

const [state, setState] = createSignal(null);

const [data] = createResource(() => until(state));

#With raceTimeout

To limit the maximum time it has for resolving

import { until, raceTimeout } from "@solid-primitives/promise";

try {
  const result = await raceTimeout(until(condition), 2000, true, "until was too slow");
  // if until is quicker:
  result; // => truthy condition value
} catch (err) {
  // if timeouts:
  console.log(err); // => "until was too slow"

#Manually stopping computation

If you don't want to use raceTimeout, there are other ways to stop the reactive computation of until if needed.

First, it will stop itself "onCleanup".

// the same goes for components as they are roots too
createRoot(dispose => {

  // disposing root causes the promise to reject,
  // so you need to catch that outcome to prevent errors
    .then(res => {...})
    .catch(() => {})


Second, using the .dispose() method.

// until returns a promise with a dispose method in it
const promise = until(condition);

// you need to catch the rejection here too



Live Site

until + createResource demo: CodeSandbox

until as createResource fetcher:




Original idea for this primitive comes from a VueUse's function of the same name.